I have a missing jigsaw puzzle piece!

Do you have a missing jigsaw puzzle piece… or pieces? I am here to help. I will send you the file to recreate a lost piece and make your jigsaw puzzle whole once again.

This is a completely free service, with absolutely no strings attached. No cost. No email lists to sign up to (although I won’t say no if you do!). Nothing. I just need an email address to send the file back to you.

Why are you doing this for free?

Jigsaw puzzles can be expensive, are often passed down across generations or among friends, and shouldn’t be sent to the back of the cupboard or even the bin, just because a piece is missing. I am a big believer in being environmentally conscious in our hobbies. Sustainability is so important and it may only seem a small thing, but every little action counts.

I also love the principles of the Japanese practice of kintsugi. Kintsugi is the practice of repairing broken pottery with lacquer containing gold, silver, or platinum to highlight the missing piece that has been mended, rather than trying to hide it. It emphasises that these imperfections are part of the history and story of the item.

If I can save some jigsaw puzzles from the scrap heap, I’ll be happy.

Can you help fix my jigsaw puzzle missing piece?

Yes! All you have to do is take a top-down photo your puzzle (with the pieces connected around the missing piece), the same section with a ruler over the missing piece, and a top-down photo of that part of the puzzle from the picture on the front of the box. Upload them below and I will get your puzzle piece back to you as soon as possible. All you have to do is print it out, glue it on to some cardboard, and it’s done.

See below for a good example of the images I would need – lot’s of natural lighting, no reflections, and the camera pointing straight down.

Upload both files, and include your name and a return email address.

Good photo examples:

Top-down photo of puzzle with missing jigsaw puzzle piece and surrounding pieces
Top-down photo of puzzle with missing jigsaw puzzle piece and surrounding pieces
Top-down photo of puzzle box image
Top-down photo of ruler over missing jigsaw puzzle piece section
Top-down photo of ruler over missing jigsaw puzzle piece section

Get a discount on Puzzled: A History of Jigsaw Puzzles

Use the code “missingpiece” at checkout for a 10% discount on Puzzled: A History of Jigsaw Puzzles (UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand only).

Want to try it yourself?